I do love to read many of the wonderful blogs on the internet, but had never come across 'Pretty by Hand' until I saw Camille of Simplify's post about it. It is a gorgeous blog with beautiful sewing and lovely photographs. Kristyne is a very talented lady, and very, very witty. I found myself giggling from page to page, and enjoyed her writing immensely. Go take a peek if you want a good laugh and some gorgeous cottony eye candy!
Over the weekend I read 'The Glass Castle' by Jeannette Walls. Actually, this is such an amazing book (and incredibly a true story) that I read it in one sitting. I came across a mention of it on the blog of designer Anna Maria Horner, and after a few days wait for it to arrive at the library, I sat down on Saturday afternoon to read it, and was just blown away by the story of Jeannette Walls and her family, spanning 30 or so years from the early 1960s. I was in turns fascinated, disbelieving and horrified at the life her parents chose for themselves and their children. From the back cover of the book, 'her father was an ingenious adventurer and a hopeless alcoholic. Her mother was an artist who abhorred domestic routine and the chores of motherhood'. If you can get hold of this book, I would highly recommend it.
I have just checked out 'Half Broke Horses' by the same author, again a true story about her maternal grandmother, and am looking forward to sitting down with a cup of tea to enjoy it.
One of my favourite things each week is going to the library. Apart from books on craft, I rarely buy books, cds or dvds as my local library has such a fantastic collection. I have been visiting weekly for many years now, and often have a long list of books on reserve, or of books (or cds or dvds) that I want to reserve. The staff and I know each other well, and it has become a bit of a joke that, as I often have so many reserves to collect each week, they need a 'Tania Memorial Library Shelf' just for me!
So, I would love to hear about your favourite books, cds or dvds too.
I am hoping to have some photos up in the next couple of days - fingers crossed!!
See you soon
Ollie & Tania xxx