Friday, September 16, 2011


So, maybe I should tell you a little bit about myself. I am a forty-something woman and I live alone with my little dog Ollie (or, as my sister would say, Oliver aka Sir Oliver or Master Oliver!). Ollie has been a part of my life for only the past seven months, but has brought so much joy and fun into my days.

I work at two part time jobs, one as an Office Manager 3.5 days a week, and the other in retail at a patchwork/quilting shop which I love, for 3 days a fortnight. I am very fortunate in that both jobs are within 5 minutes drive from home. As I am the quintessential homebody, the more time I get to spend at home the better. I really do count myself as incredibly lucky to live and work in such close proximity.

I love working at the quilt shop - the girls I work with (women actually; I tend to call all my female friends girls) are great fun and it is so enjoyable to get to know the regular customers, and to see them bring their projects in to share. Sometimes when I am in a bit of slump creatively and crafting-wise, this gives me the inspiration to get on and make, or work on, something myself. Unfortunately, I am wonderful at starting things but not always finishing them - I do have a few(!) UFOs around the house, but hopefully they will all get completed at some stage and I am so looking forward to sharing some photos of my projects with you.

I love to potter about at home and love interior decorating books and magazines. I have to confess though, it has been quite some while since I have done much at home - sometimes in life I guess we lose our momentum or feel a bit overwhelmed in some areas and this is how I have felt at home lately. However, I do love to try and make a lovely home for myself and between now and Christmas I am hoping to do some decorating. As I am a renter for the moment, rather than a homeowner, my decorating is along the lines of rearranging furniture, making some soft furnishings such as cushions and table runners, and I plan to make a new quilt for my bed. So we shall see how all of that goes! I would love to be a good gardener too, but my thumbs sadly do not seem to be very green.

That's about it for now, look forward to seeing you soon

Ollie and Tania xxx


  1. Thank you for your comment tonight, it means a lot to me!

    And welcome to blogging!! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

    All the best,

  2. Hope you can post some photos of those UFOs and FOs for that matter! I'm really keen to get a dog but wonder if I'll have enough time to give it enough attention! I'm really keen...


Your comments are much appreciated. I love to hear from you!